Valuable Skills for a Life of Opportunity
Check Out This Video To Learn About the Class, and Our Students Lives Before and After
View Marine Vet David, Talking About His Experience In the First Homeless Vets Class
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For donations please give me a call and I can run your charge card.
I've been using my own funds but now looking to greatly expand the homeless veterans training with help from the Las Vegas Mayor's Office and others.
Thank you so much. Ed Manley,
Founder, Vet Support Network,
(561) 929-4765
Michelle Obama said recently, "If you see something - DO SOMETHING." We're doing that. Our students must be, in a shelter and ready to go to work when they finish the class and we're working with veteran businesses to hire them. Mutual benefit there.
Vet Support Network
is dedicated to serving our veterans. We have a range of objectives, all aimed at helping homeless veterans earn their way back up the ladder. We like to say that many others give them much needed "fish," a place to stay, food, clothing." We give them a "fishing rod" so they can catch their own "fish." We work to provide veterans with the skills they need, focusing on the homeless. We aid and encourage the interests, education, and advancement of those veterans in the foodservice and hospitality industry. We then work on their resume, and help them find jobs.
The Foodservice Institute — formerly E. H. Manley & Associates — provides eight-day food service management training and nine certifications from GFI and the National Restaurant Assn. for FREE for homeless veterans. This is the very same program we provide for active duty and civilians.
Students in the February 2014 class presented Ed with a large card, with these comments:
Teresa, U.S. Army Vet
Unemployed and Homeless for 1 Year
I cannot begin to express my gratitude. the war on poverty is just beginning and my weapon is loaded and aimed.
Lisa, U.S. Air Force Vet
After being out of work for 4 months and homeless for 2 months, Lisa was hired by a La Quinta motel the day after class ended.
Thank you for your guidance. You are a wonderful example of how to be a director in life; I am looking forward to applying all I learned.
Liz, U.S. Air Force Vet
Unemployed for 2 Years, Homeless for 6 Months
Thanks for not just looking at us as bums, but like we're actually someone! You are awesome and so is your class. I look forward to getting a great job!
VSN has great plans as our veterans' charity grows and we work to make a real impact in the lives of homeless veterans. Our goal is not necessarily to get them off the streets — there are other organizations that offer that. Our goal is to keep them off the street by providing them with job training, skills, and credentials that enable them to get jobs in the future and enjoy the American Dream that they fought for.
VSN is incorporated in the state of Nevada as an IRS approved 501(c)(3) public charity. Contributions to our cause are tax-deductible under Section 170 of the IRS Code, and we are eligible to receive tax-deductible bequests, devices, transfers, or gifts. This allows us to receive grants from other 501(c)(3)s whose funding opportunities include projects like those we support and provide. Rather than seeking marketing dollars from our many industry friends, we can apply for grants from your company's charitable foundation.
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